At this moment, Geo III is an unfinished prover for classical logic with partial functions, based on Kleene Logic In the current version, only Chapters 4 and 5 have been implemented, and the transformation from first-order logic to geometric logic is still 2-valued. The goal of Geo III is to eventually implement the complete logic. I assume that this goal will be reached in the fall of 2018, because I wanted to work on matching first.


The latest public version is geo2016C. It can be downloaded from CASC. Note that Geo is released under GNU General Public Licence, Version 3.

At CASC J9, there will be a new version.

Running Geo

In order to run geo, unzip and untar. If you are lucky, you can type ./geo < testexamples/blz202_4.geo and you see that geo finds a proof.

Otherwise, type touch Makefile, type make and hope that the resulting executable works. You need a reasonably new version of g++, because Geo uses C++11.

Geo accepts the following parameters:

  • -inputfile %f Instead of reading from standard input, read from the indicated file %f.

  • -nonempty Do not allow empty models. Without this flag, geo cannot prove forall x. p(x) -> exists x. p(x), because the empty model is a counter model.

  • -tptp_input Expect input in TPTP-format.

  • -include %p Use %p as the path, relative to which include files are defined. TPTP-syntax allows includes.

Matching, Constraint Solving

Since geometric resolution relies heavily on constraint solving, the constraint solver is currently the most sophisticated part of Geo III. The implementation is probably efficient enough for stand-alone use, outside of geometric resolution. In order to make this possible, the constraint solver can be download independently. The implementation is in portable C++(11). The solver reads input from a specified file, and prints output into stdout, either UNSAT, or SAT and a satisfying substitution. It can be called with option -cnf, which will cause it to transform the problem to CNF (Dimacs format) without trying to solve it.

The input format is similar to DIMACS format for first-order logic, it is described in Section 7 of this article, which also contains a description of the matching algorithm used.

These are the sources.

In order to run the solver, unzip and untar. If you are lucky, you can type ./solver gcsp_examples/summer2016/demod06.dim and watch the solver find an interpretation.

Otherwise, type touch Makefile, type make and hope that the resulting executable works. You need a reasonably new version of g++, because the solver uses C++-2014. Subdirectory gcsp_examples contains examples.

The following input formats are possible

  • ./solver Reads input from stdin, and writes a solution or ‘UNSAT’ to stdout.

  • ./solver %filename Reads input from filename, and writes a solution or ‘UNSAT’ to stdout.

  • ./solver -cnf Reads input from stdin, and writes conversion to CNF to stdout.

  • ./solver -cnf %inputfile Reads input from %filename and writes CNF-conversion to stdout. The following should work: ./solver -cnf gcsp_examples/summer2016/demod06.dim | minisat, if you have minisat installed.